Everyone has a bad day once in a while. But what about those really bad days – just all around shit? The days where you don’t know if you should laugh or scream, break all the dishes, pull your hair out or break into the vodka at 10AM? We’ve been there, and those days are the worst. But not anymore. Bring your shitty day into this chat room and purge it. Laugh, scream, cry. We don’t care. Listen to some other shitty days and maybe yours won’t seem so bad. 

Pop in, share your shit and pop out. Or, stay for the whole shit storm. It’s gonna get real in here.

Calls Daily 
5 - 6 PM (ET)

Do you ever sit in meetings and think what a colossal waste of time? Do you ever look at co-workers playing games on their phone while you’re sweating through a deadline? Do you ever dream of your exit from your job in a dramatic way in which you thoroughly yell at each employee, saving the best “fuck” you” speech for your boss, swipe your desk supplies onto the floor and storm out while everyone is clapping? Chicks, you are not alone. Fuck My Boss is the chat room where we get to purge our work environment while sharing our stories with each other. So maybe tomorrow at the office, you won’t dream of yelling Fuck You at everyone. Maybe you’ll smile because now you have LunaChick Chat.

Pop in, say your fucks and pop out. Or stay for the hour and support the others. It’s gonna get real in here.

Monday and Wednesday
4PM-5PM (ET)

My mom watches CNN all day and all night. She worries about her grown-ass children and her grown-ass grandchildren. She doesn’t go for walks, and she doesn’t play bridge anymore. She still buys saltines and Campbell’s chicken soup. The internet remains a bit of a mystery to her, and guess what, I don’t have anyone to talk to about this and the CNN thing is getting on my nerves! Aging Parents is the chat room for us to share these concerns and frustrations, hear other stories, and maybe walk away with inspiration of how to cope with your aging parents. Or at least, how to teach them the internet, but doubtful. 

Pop in, share your aging parent parent story and pop out. Or stay for the hour and learn the internet while watching CNN. It’s gonna get real in here.

Tuesday and Thursday 
10AM – 11AM (ET)

Aside from the fucking hot flashes and night sweats, what else can suck it about menopause? All of it! And does not having your period anymore help at all? NO! And is your doctor helpful with how to get through this most miserable phase of womanhood? NO! But we do believe that we can help each other, share tricks and tips and have some flashes of laughter along the way. You’re not alone in the menopause chapter of life!

Pop in, flash us with your sweaty tricks and pop out. Or stay for the hour and have a flash dance. It’s gonna get real in here.

Wednesday and Friday
3PM – 4PM (ET)

Ummm, do I even have my own identity anymore? No, you definitely don’t with little kids running around, sorry. We all love our kids and we all feel blessed, blah, blah, blah. Bu let’s be honest, you haven’t been your hot sexy self in a while. And when another parent offers advice on parenting to you? Oh no you didn’t, back up, you’ve poked my mama bear and now it’s gonna get ugly. Diffuse yourself, find your sexy, find your hot and share it all here without judgement. Cope with the best of them, that’s what we do. And later, you actually might want to spend time with your kids again.

Pop in, give us the ugly and pop out. Or stay for the whole story time and don’t worry about the last time you showered. Really, no judgement. It’s gonna get real in here.

Thursday and Saturday
(during naptime)
9AM – 10AM (ET) 

This was certainly not the plan, was it? So why does he still live here? Why am I paying his bills? Why am I doing his laundry? Why doesn’t he have a job? SOS. We hear you, we support you, we are you. And we’re gonna talk about it. A lot. Then we’re gonna support you and share how others got their adult children out of our nest and on their way to building their own nest. 

Pop in, yell about your kid living at home and pop out. Or stay for the whole hour and you might actually become an empty nester.

Tuesday and Thursday 
3PM – 4PM (ET)

How many times have you said that about another person’s story? How many times has that been said about your story? We all have one, but hopefully not too many! Aren’t you dying to know if your shit storm of a story is the worst or not so bad in comparison? It might help to know that not only are you not alone, but now you have a flock behind you, supporting you and the path your shit took you down or may lead you. Join us and find out!

Pop in, shit your story and pop out. Or stay for the hour and commiserate. It’s gonna get real in here.

Sunday (to purge it for the coming week)
10AM – 11AM (ET)
I can't wait to date again in my 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's ….SAID NO ONE EVER!!!!! It is a jungle out there in the dating world…a hybrid of dates, lies, cheating and alibis.
None of us really choose to be single again after the dissolution of long-term relationships or marriages, but here we are. The question that looms large is: should it be this challenging? Personally, I never envisioned myself resorting to a dating site, but life throws curveballs, times change, and online dating has become the new norm.
Online dating has transcended age barriers, with research revealing that three out of every ten adults have dipped their toes into dating apps and websites. It's almost tempting to revisit old flames, but always remember the adage, "Dating an ex is like retaking a test you already failed."
Pop in and share your horror stories, hilarious shit you just can't make up and tips on background checks and what to look for to protect yourself.  Ladies with positive experiences, PLEASE share those too and give your fellow LunaChicks some hope

Time (ET)