Live Chat Room Calls: 
Fridays 2:00PM – 3:00PM (ET)
Sundays 11AM-Noon (ET)

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(Registering helps us know what you like and what you don't! You can register up to 15 minutes before each call.)
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Holy crap, did that really just happen? Life just hauled off and bitch slapped you... cancer diagnosis? Death of a loved one? Divorce? Now what? Just breathe. We've got you. 

Whatever the thing is that flipped your world upside-down and knocked the breath out of you will be ok. Your flock is here. Bring it to us, say it out loud and we'll breathe for you.  

Fridays 2:00PM-3:00PM (ET)
Sundays 11AM-Noon (ET)

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Jump on the call already in progress.