Live Chat Room Calls: 
Mondays & Wednesdays 
11:00AM-Noon (ET)

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Ummm, do I even have my own identity anymore? No, you definitely don’t with little kids running around, sorry. We all love our kids and we all feel blessed, blah, blah, blah. But let’s be honest, you haven’t been your hot sexy self in a while. And when another parent offers advice on parenting to you? Oh no you didn’t, back up, you’ve poked my mama bear and now it’s gonna get ugly. Diffuse yourself, find your sexy, find your hot and share it all here without judgement. Cope with the best of them, that’s what we do. And later, you actually might want to spend time with your kids again.

Pop in, give us the ugly and pop out. Or stay for the whole story time and don’t worry about the last time you showered. Really, no judgement. It’s gonna get real in here.

Mondays & Wednesdays 
11:00AM-Noon (ET)

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