Shitty Days No More!
We’ve all been there. One minute, you’re having a perfectly fine day, and the next, it’s a dumpster fire. Your mood tanks, and you’re stuck venting to the same people about the same old crap.
But guess what? We’re here to flip the script with a good dose of humor. No more calling your girlfriends with the same old “ugh” stories. Now, you’ve got a whole community of women who get it. And who knows? Maybe hearing their tales will make yours seem a little less crappy. Worth a shot, right?
Our weekly podcast, “I Had a Shitty Day,” is here to help you laugh through the pain, find some humor in the chaos, and even pick up a few tips to help you and your friends navigate those crappy days—no heart emojis required (finally!).
So, give our short intro a listen and try not to crack a smile. Then, join the flock and share your stories anytime you want. We’ll turn them around in a future episode and get you back to kicking ass in no time.


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